3 Things To Keep In Mind When Purchasing A TV Stand For Your Home

  • October 15, 2020

TV Stand

Do we need a TV stand? Yes, it’s an essential tool for the household. As we are all battling and adjusting with the new normal, staying at home has become a default location for work and study.

Our home has turned into a place where one hones new skills such as cooking a new dish or learning how to master the perfect Dalgona coffee. Despite the COVID-season disrupting our lives, we have learned to take life one step at a time and to appreciate the time spend with our loved ones.

It’s a common functional tool to use a digital TV for our daily work especially if you are one who prefers working on a bigger screen. If you’re one of those who uses a digital TV for your daily work, you will definitely need a TV stand. A TV stand helps you to easily relocate your TV depending on how and where you want to use it.

Here’re 3 considerations you should think about when purchasing a TV stand for your home.

  1. Size of your TV

Different sizes of television lead to different sizes of mobile TV stands. Before you purchase a TV stand, ensure that it fits with your TV size. Your TV stand should be at least a few inches wider than the base of your TV to keep the set up balance and sturdy.

  1. Purchase a TV stand with adjustable height 

When you purchase a TV stand ensure that it can be adjusted. Some of the TV stands come with fixed heights, which might not be functional for some depending on the purpose of why you are purchasing a TV stand. By having a TV stand with adjustable height, it will allow your family members to watch it at a comfortable viewing height without straining their necks and eyes.

  1. Purchase a TV stand with one that complements your room design

If you’re all about the aesthetics of your room, you will definitely need to do some research on the various designs and colours of a TV stand. We personally recommend a black TV stand as its easy to match and complement almost any type of interior room design.

Consult our expert

If you’re still unsure about which TV stand to purchase, how about browsing through our full range of mobile TV stands depending on your setup preferences. At Tiger Mount, we offer TV stand installation services in Singapore to ensure the safety of your TV and the comfort of viewing your favourite show. If you would like to find out more about TV stands in Singapore, have a chat with our professional experts at 9424 6649, or drop us an email at enquiry.tigermount@gmail.com