If you need a compelling reason to invest in a
desktop monitor mount then the first one that follows should be good enough. But a famous motivator once said having more good reasons is better and so we’ve have included 5 others as well.
Saving Your Neck And Eyes
This must be the most obvious and most important reason to invest in a
desktop monitor mount: strain on your body!
Straining your neck and eyes to view your monitor in a user-unfriendly fixed position for more than 8 hours a day for five days and more a week is simply not recommended. And that is truly an understatement.
To put it truthfully, this should not be done for any period of time; not even short ones.
If you have not been told before then please take note. You should keep your monitor approximately an arm’s length away from your eyes, with the top of the monitor slightly tilted away from you. That is the suggested distance.
As for the height, you should not have to look up or down conspicuously to view your screen and your neck should be relaxed. This will help you avoid unnecessary neck and eye strain as well as shoulder pain and poor posture.
Mounting your desktop monitor will allow you to adjust the height, depth, and angle of your monitor to get it to the optimum and most comfortable position.
Versatility and Flexibility
A desktop monitor mount allows you to shift, adjust and position the monitor to suit your working position — it should not be the other way around.
By mounting your desktop monitor you, the computer user, have total control in deciding the height of the monitor, as well as the angle and direction so that whether you are standing or sitting you can still work on the computer comfortably and efficiently.
With a desktop monitor mount, you can also toggle the view of your monitor easily. Switching from landscape to portrait view and back is extremely easy, and can be extra beneficial when making presentations, or when you’re switching between different programs that require different layouts. With a desktop monitor mount, it will definitely be easier to complete your tasks on the computer without any incurred stress.
Movement Friendly
Relocation is a common inconvenience in office workplaces – I am referring to desk relocation.
When changes come about for whatever reasons, there will be adjustments and it can be a challenge to efficiently deal with the changes – sometimes impossible. But with a desktop monitor mount, this will not be the case. With a desktop monitor mount, you can easily re-setup the monitor to precisely match your previous location’s set up and retain your preferred comfort level. You have total control.
The Best Viewing Angle
Everyone loves a great view, and one of the most understated advantages of having your
desktop monitor mounted is the freedom of view that it offers. When the desktop monitor is sitting on the tabletop it is in a nearly static situation and adjusting the angle of view to avoid distractions like reflection and glare can become an impossible task. The performance will definitely suffer.
But with a desktop monitor mount, it will be absolutely easy to adjust (tilt, pan, raise the height) and create the best viewing angle. This too is true for television screens. More homes in Singapore are now turning to television wall mount for practical as well as aesthetic benefits.
Space Saver
When your tabletop space is at its capacity, this is such a welcomed feature. A desktop monitor mount that uses brackets to support the monitor actually frees the base and makes the space available for other uses! You can now keep stuff, such as pictures, files, notebooks and not forgetting your favourite coffee mug at your work station. Does this make a positive difference to your work environment? Of course, it does!
Spoilt For Choices?
Obviously, there are many reputable and reliable dealers that supply these desktop monitor mounts — and even television wall mounts too. But here at
Tiger Mount, we’ve installed tons of
desktop and TV wall mounts all around Singapore. So if you have any questions for us, don’t hesitate to contact us at +65 9424 6649 now!