Are you looking for a
TV wall mount? Most television sets are supplied with a standard wall mount or bracket that is either free or optionally purchased by the customers. If you have a table standing version and wish to convert it into a wall mounted unit, there are many ways of going about it.
The right wall bracketWhen shopping for the right
wall brackets in Singapore there are different kinds and forms to shop for these days. The products differ in the following features:
- Dimensions of TV that you wish to mount on the wall.
- Whether you want the television unit to be fixed or movable.
- Provision for racks and cables.
These are some of the factors that will help you determine the kind of TV bracket you should purchase.As you will find out,
TV Vesa standards are helpful to decide on standard and quality products in the market. Tigermount offers standardized products that comply with these guidelines. The guidelines and standards set will ensure that the material of the wall brackets is of high quality steel that can support television sets of a certain weight and dimensions. When it comes to swivel features, the stand and support for the unit, needs to be sturdy and of high quality. At Tigermount we assure you that all such factors are taken into consideration when you purchase your product. Tigermount has been serving its customers with top notch service in aiding their TV screens to the wall. You are sure to find the best deals through our product listing. Having a versatile wall mount for your TV set will help you save space and add a new look to your home entertainment system.