What kind Of TV Wall Mount Should I Get?

  • June 16, 2019

family watching a wall mounted television
According to the infamous White Paper on Population in 2013, the Singapore government projected that by 2030, there would be a whopping 6.9 million people squeezed into our tiny island. Now obviously that’s just a projection and is subjected to unforeseen externalities that’ll pop up in next decade or so, but it is a matter of fact that housing units in Singapore are getting smaller and smaller in anticipation for the growing population. Smaller units call for some serious space-saving ingenuity, one of which can be TV wall mounts! By installing TV brackets on your wall and mounting your televisions on the walls, you’re freeing up so much more space that could be used to put other things such as storage spaces, seating or just gorgeous home decor. Not to mention, it’ll give your home a more modern and clean vibe. Here at Tiger Mount, we offer a variety of mounts that will help you fit your television into even the most constraint of spaces.

Level ONE: Fixed Mount

Do you have a specific spot in mind where you absolutely have to install your TV bracket and hang your brand new television screen? In that case, you can consider getting a fixed mount! This is the most basic of sets and it’s perfect for people who have their whole housing unit layout planned and don’t want a thing to be moved out of place. With all that said, if you find yourself with just pretty simple and basic TV mounting needs, this would also be great as an affordable TV mount option.

Level TWO: Tilting Mount

You’re laying down with cushions all around you. A cool breeze blows through your window. Not too hot, not too cold, the optimal temperature. Netflix is on and there is no glare because you’ve installed your TV wall mount and mounted your television on it. Best of all it’s the tilting adjustable kind. It’s a good day. All things considered, tilting your television to fit your line of vision will benefit you in so many ways in the long run because you’ll get the ideal view, every single time. Bright or direct sunlight will no longer be a big issue as well since all you need to do is tilt the mount slightly to avoid any glare or obstructions.

Level THREE: Gas Strut TV Mount

Designed for the Connoisseurs of Cable TV, the Maestros of Movie Nights, or anyone really. This is the crème de la crème of TV wall mounts. Tired of watching television horizontally? You can rotate your screens to up to 360 degrees, to any position you want. Want to watch TV from the extreme corners of the room? Not a problem. Lower and middle pivot joints allow the TV to swivel out to face either side, 180 degrees either way. If you’d like to watch some TV while you get in some light exercise the dynamic floating positioning system will allow you to do just that! All you have to do is pull the mount up to your preferred standing level and let the entertainment begin.

TV Mount Measurements

Now you might be wondering, does the TV mount I’m looking for suit my TV screen specifications? The great thing is, each TV mount style comes in different sizes, and with different specifications to suit your different TV screen sizes and weights. So finding one to suit your specific needs will be a breeze. If you’re unsure about anything, you can always reach out to us at +65 9424 6649 if you’re unsure about how to install a TV bracket, or whether your screen is suitable for the TV mount you’re looking to get.

TV Mount Singapore

All in all, finding the best TV wall mount for you depends mostly on your viewing preferences, budgets, and TV specifications. But with the various TV mount styles and sizes available, there’s definitely one out there that’s perfect for you. Not only do we supply you with sturdy and easy to use TV wall mounts, but we will also help you install your TV bracket of choice so that this whole process is quick and easy for you!